German to English translation results for 'sie' designed for tablets and mobile devices. Possible languages include English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish,  What is the Sie form in German? The one that you need to know first is “Sie”. This is the formal version. It can be used in the singular form (  But here the focus is the singular form of “you”, which in German can be expressed as “du” or "Sie”. Broadly speaking, du is used when speaking to or with. •  Sie is formal and can be singular or plural - use Sie for people you do not know or when you have to be respectful to them.

Sie in german

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they = sie. you (polite) = Sie. And to make it not too easy (just kidding) you have to know that we have two different words in German for the English personal pronoun you: 1) du. 2) Sie *. *Please note that it is always written with a capital S. Just like in French, in German there is no difference between singular and plural in the courtesy form, you always talk in plural (see example above). As in point one, this personal pronoun is both subject (nominative) and direct object (accusative): Ich sehe Sie. (I see you.) English words for Sie include you, them and they. Find more German words at wordhippo.com!

On this page, you will find an overview of the declension of pronouns in all of the cases. Click on one of the links below for an in-depth explanation with exercises for each of the individual German … Nehmen Sie … | Beginners | DW Learn German. Toggle navigation.

2021-02-25 · From Old High German sie (masculine plural), sio (feminine plural), siu (neuter plural). Pronunciation . IPA : /siː/ Pronoun .

Sie in german

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Sie in german

more_vert. The English for Was meinen Sie is What do you reckon?. Find more German words at wordhippo.com! Translations in context of "sie" in English-German from Reverso Context: Free Member, Zürich Follow Comments 3 Register to comment Arthur Baumgartner 07/07/2012 10:29 Ich habe auch auf sie getippt. German isn’t simple, and neither is the nuance around making the switch from Sie to du, Declension Sie is a masculine noun. Remember that, in German, both the spelling of the word and the article preceding the word can change depending on whether it is in the nominative, accusative, genitive, or dative case. For further information, see Collins Easy Learning German Grammar.
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Sie in german

Many German learners are aware that Sie is the polite "you"  Many translated example sentences containing "sprechen sie Deutsch" – English -German dictionary and search engine for English translations. vor 6 Tagen Hat sich deine Freundin schon überlegt, ob sie sich auch anmelden will? Has your friend thought yet about whether she wants to sign up too? Contextual translation of "sie" from German into Polish. Examples translated by humans: b, ty, oni, ona, uwaga, system, zwolniĆ, mogą oni, użytkownik, patrz  They add a gender neutral version to the existing gendered German pronouns of the third person singular: sie/er, ihrer/seiner, die/der.

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Sourced from the German … What I would advise English speakers when using Sie and du is this: Use ‘Sie’ in German in the same way you would speak politely, and respectfully, in English. If you are new at a job, always use ‘Sie’ in the workplace, until a colleague invites you to use ‘du’ with them. Sie Sie in german pronunciations with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more. Sie sehen, offensichtlich ein österreichisches Thema und die Steiermark, eines unserer stark betroffenen Bundesländer, liegt uns sehr am Herzen, mit einem überdurchschnittlich hohen Anteil der Bevölkerung in der Automobilbranche einerseits, und natürlich geht auch ein überdurchschnittlich hoher Anteil dieser Produkte in den Export. Personal pronouns and possessive pronouns have to be declined in German grammar.